Creative Crafts Corner — #DIY Space crafts

#DIY Galaxy sensory bin with household items
This is a really fun #DIY sensory bin for younger kids. My little one found it really relaxing as she found different objects within the bin. We made this bin very simple but you can add additional items to make it more fun and educational. Later, we added different planets and talked about them. You can make them out of foam or styrofoam.
1. Rice
2. Plastic or cardboard bin
3. Aluminum foil
4. Paper
5. Pasta strainer
6. Water
7. Spoon
8. Optional: Foam/styrofoam and paint.
Step 1:
I decided to use two different colors, purple and teal. This would work great adding a third color of pink or black as well. I had my kid help dye the rice and she really liked doing that. To start separate rice into bowls based on the number of colors you will use. You will want to have at least two cups of rice per bowl. You can adjust this number based on how large your bin is.
Step 2:
Put three to four drops of dye onto the dry rice. Begin to stir. The rice will look speckled but it should be evenly distributed. Pour three tablespoons of water and continue to stir until the rice is the desired color. Let this sit for 3-5 minutes. Repeat with each color.
After five minutes has elapsed, pour the rice into a pasta strainer (one color at a time) and rinse. Let the excess water drain. Pour into a dry bowl and let the rice dry. To speed up this process you can microwave the rice for one minute. Repeat for each color.
Step 3:
Take aluminum foil and roll it into a ball. This will be the moon rocks. Take the colored paper and cut it into different shapes. We chose the moon and stars. You can also make planets with the paper or you can use styrofoam/foam and paint them.
Step 4:
Pour the different colored rice side by side in the bin. If you added an additional color, you can swirl it on top. Add the cut-out paper items and the aluminum foil.
Step 5:
Explore outer space!
We hope you have fun making this sensory bin. Sometimes the most fun part is seeing how proud the kids are of their creations.
Happy Crafting
-The Little Dreamers Club team
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