Creative Crafts Corner — Bouncy ball

#DIY Bouncy Balls
#DIY Bouncy Balls are super easy to make and so much fun! To make these you will need the following ingredients.
1. 1/2 Cup of water
2. 1 Tbsp of Borax (can substitute for cornstarch, it will not bounce the same but it works)
3. Elmers Glue
Step 1.
Mix 1 Tbsp. of borax solution and warm water into a bowl. Stir the ingredients until the borax powder has completely dissolved.
Step 2:
Pour the Tbsp. of glue into the solution. Let it sit for at least one minute. The glue will begin to harden. Note: If you want to make a larger bouncy ball you can add more than a Tbsp.
Step 3:
Take the glue out of the bowl and put it into your hands to form a ball by moving them in a circular motion. Initially, it will feel slimy and then will begin to become more and more solid.
I hope your family had as much fun as ours creating these awesome bouncy balls!
Happy Crafting!
-The Little Dreamers Club team
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