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Kids Unicorn and Monster Christmas Ornaments!

Posted by Jennifer Garza on

Kids Unicorn and Monster Christmas Ornaments! - Little Dreamers Club

These fun, adorable unicorn and monster kids ornaments are easy to make! Our kids had a blast coloring the popsicle sticks and drawing silly faces on the cardboard stock paper. A great way to decorate the tree!

Below are the instructions on how to make the monster ornaments. The Unicorn is also easy and instructions for making the horn are located at the bottom of this blog.


Supplies needed:

  • Four popsicle sticks
  • Washable kids paint 
  • Washable kids markers
  • Construction paper (the color is your choice based on preference)
  • **extras based on project**googly eyes, glitter, felt, sequins

1. Paint four popsicle sticks the color of your choice.

2. Make a rectangle on the green construction paper with the popsicle sticks and trace around the outside edge as pictured.


3. Cut along the trace on the green paper. Once you have cut out the green square, glue two popsicle sticks on opposite sides.

4. Place four dots of glue at the end of each popsicle stick. place the last two popsicle sticks on top of the glue. Let sit until dry.

5. Once the glue is dry, have fun and draw a monster or silly face in the center of the construction paper with the markers. Glue on googly eyes and sequins to complete the monster face! 



6. For extra fun, make ears and a tongue for the monster!

7. Hang on your Christmas tree or around the house!

8.  To make the unicorn horn you will need an additional popsicle stick. Cut the popsicle stick on half and glue the very top smooth edges together in the shape of a triangle. Let the popsicle sticks dry. secure the bottom open end of the triangle using glue to the back of the ornament. Place jewels or sequins over the exposed popsicle sticks.

For more fun craft ideas or for crafts delivered to your door visit www.littledreamersclub.com




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